How we work
The way we work with you to get you up and running is what sets us apart from other managed service providers out there.
Our 9 steps to get you up and running
Here's an insight into the typical steps we carry out to make the onboarding process as seamless and pain free as possible for new customers.
1. Listen
We’ll meet you for an informal, no-obligation chat about your business and your goals.
2. Check
If required, we can perform an IT & Security Audit to understand the health of your network.
3. Propose
No, not on one knee. But if you think you might enjoy working with us, we’ll send you a proposal detailing how we can help.
4. Promise
Like our proposal? We’ll sign a formal agreement for providing our services.
5. Prioritise
We’ll then outline details and timescales for the getting you up and running.
6. Organise
We’ll install the management tool onto your systems and devices.
7. Greet
We’ll send out a welcome message to introduce ourselves to your staff.
8. Train
We’ll sit down with your staff to help them become more productive and security-aware.
9. Deliver
We’ll provide you with ongoing proactive support and strategic advice.